
Premier Vacation Rentals in Cotter!

We have renovated some of the historic homes in Cotter and have them available for guests! Come stay with us on your next trip to Cotter!

Important information about searching

Most rooms in the Commercial Hotel have a max occupancy of "2" - if you search for properties and have your guests listed greater than "2" it will not show you available rooms in the Commercial Hotel. Search using your travel dates and guests listed as "1" to see which rooms and homes are available. If you would like to reserve the entire Commercial Hotel - please contact us directly as we can see if the dates are available quickly and get the space booked and blocked off for you. Be advised that you may be charged a CC Processing fee for cancelations regardless of the date of booking and cancelation due to CC processing fees charged by the CC processing company.

Discover a world of exceptional vacation rentals at Potter Block Properties LLC. Rest assured that we'll take care of you regardless of where you book! Feel free to book through the larger vacation rental platforms that we are listed on (Air B&B & VRBO, Expedia & more), but when you book here with us directly, you save on the fees that are automatically built into the other platforms. Same amenities, same great quality, without the fees!!
Vacation rental software & technology by iGMS
©2024 Potter Block Properties LLC